Baywatch Diary – Day 16

Ian and I were able to get a really nice ocean swim in before he left for the airport and I for work, both at 10:30am. Ian is a beautiful swimmer, and I am so happy that I have found a life partner that enjoys the athletic endeavors that I do. It makes it so fun to be with him. Yesterday when we swam we saw 3 turtles and lot of fish, the water was so clear.

I go in the van to the main set with Jeremy and Brande. The drive was over an hour, as we are shooting on the south end of the island. We are only doing one scene at the airport when our characters, along with David and Michael and Nicole, arrive in Hawaii. There is no dialogue, and we are just descending the stairs of the plane onto the tarmac, and the shot is the last one of the day (circa 5pm), so dont ask me why we are being called in so early for hair and makeup – I dont mind, as my beloved is gone, so I am as happy on the set as in my hotel room. I knit in the van, and Jeremy asks me if I will make the hat for him. I adore Jeremy, and am thrilled to be able to make this hat for someone, as it is much more fun that way. As the hat takes more shape, I realize it is too small for him (and for anyone but a 10 year old), so I will make him one when I get home.

Michael Bergin, Billy Warlock and Yasmine have all been working since 5am, in a “tank”, which is a large pool used to shoot underwater scenes. It is Billy and Yasmine’s last day on the set, so they have to get the work done. David is on another set doing water work, a big fight scene, in the real ocean. When I arrive on the set, I walk into a big trailer that says “makeup” on it, and dont recognize anyone in it. It turns out to belong to the “Hell Dorado” production, which starts next week starring The Rock. I remember that David said that he saw The Rock at the Ultimate Fighting event last weekend. My friend Kate also worked with him on his last film and they both say he is just the nicest. The Rock’s real name is Dwayne something-or-other, but the call sheet (a call sheet comes out every day and has all the info on what is happening that filming day: scenes, actors, location(s), crew, mealtimes, directions to set, important phone numbers etc.) in that trailer had him listed under a pseudonym, which gave me a chuckle, as most people only know him by his wrestling name anyway. Actor’s use fake names when they check into hotels, for example, to protect them from fans. I havent used one, as I am a lucky person who has fans respectful of my privacy! Anyway, now I know The Rock’s pseudonym (which, to respect his privacy, I cant divulge).

I go through hair and makeup which takes about an hour, as I dont need body makeup today because I am wearing pants and a shirt in the scene. Of course, we have alot of time to kill before we are driven to the airport for our scene. Nicole is meeting us there, as she is a bit sick (everyone is getting sick!). Michael Bergin cant shoot our scene because he is still working on his stuff with Yasmine and Billy, so I guess they figure that they will shoot around Michael, after all, our scene is quick and has no dialogue. When Jeremy, Brande and I get there, no one is there at all – no crew, no trailers or equipment, just the Aloha Airlines plane, so we get on and sit around in the first class cabin for about half an hour before anyone arrives. We check all the drawers in the galley for macadamia nuts or drinks, but it is totally empty, to our disappointment. When everyone else gets there (they have been shooting David’s fight scene on the ocean since the early morning, and it is now about 4:30pm), it is rush rush before the sun goes down to get the master shot (of the whole scene),and 3 closeups (of each of us couples as we get off the plane). Someone decides we need a Michael Bergin lookalike to be a photo double (body double doubles body parts, stunt double does stunts for you, photo double looks like you from afar and has no dialogue), but we have none of his wardrobe. Still, a pair of designer jeans and a woman’s beige tshirt is scrounged up from some of the extras who are playing passengers (never mind that Michael was wearing a beige sleeveless sweater and Levi’s) and put on a dark haired guy who is much shorter and less tan. They put sunglasses on this extra and instruct him to look away from camera. I love the magic of movies!

We shoot the scene quickly and by 6:30 are on our way back to our hotel. Back at 1st Unit, Michael, Billy and Yasmine are going to work until at least midnight. Golly, that will be a 20 hour day for them, but as Billy is booked on a flight out tomorrow, and Yasmine also has to be done today, it cant be helped. I remember when I worked on Death Train with Pierce Brosnan, our last day went from 10am to 6am the next morning. Yikes.

John Allen Nelson calls me when I get home and he is sick as a dog. Poor John, he shot in the ocean all day yesterday, and that may have done it. He has 5 days off now, his sister is visiting, and he may have to spend it all recuperating! I hope he feels better soon.

Our second week of filming is over, and our last week begins on Monday. I have an easier week next week (I think), and it will be fun.

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