Talk to me for more than 5 minutes and you get that I care a lot human overpopulation and animals rights. For the second half of my life, I am committed to reducing suffering, so have decided to focus on those 2 issues. They are both issues that are not mainstream, which is a main reason I have decided to concentrate on these areas. Enough pussyfooting around, we need to delve into the hard stuff! On August 4, I was in Washington DC to talk about human overpopulation at the 2017 Animal Rights Conference – a melding of these 2 passions. On the panel with me were pro race car driver and activist Leilani Munter, who is a soul sister to me – she also sees how crucial it is to lower the world human population in a humane manner and to free animals from pain, cages and exploitation – and she is also a super environmentalist! – and Travis Rieder, a bio ethicist who has been in the media a lot talking about the ethics of the one child family. You can find the entire panel at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MNThxZactAE. I hope you take the time to learn more about human … Continue reading
Interview with loaded January 27, 2017 by Jack Beresford Alexandra Paul has been making movies for almost 35 years, with early notable credits including Christine and A Million Ways To Die. Yet to millions Paul will forever be associated with the role of lifeguard extraordinaire Stephanie Holden on Baywatch, slo-motion-running, sun-kissed-life-saving show that became a global TV phenomenon during its 10-year run. Not that Paul minds all that much, with the actress and lifestyle coach only too happy to speak to loaded about her five years and 66 episodes on the series. How did she end up on the show, what’s the Hoff really like and were there any romances between cast members on set? Alexandra reveals all and a whole lot more besides. Read more…
I had a wonderful time seeing my castmates from American Flyers, Rae Dawn Chong and Luca Bercovici, last night in Las Vegas at the Interbike Awards Gala. The movie was being honoured as an iconic film within the bicycling world, and it was fun to see how important the movie has been to cycling enthusiasts from all over the world. Luca flew in from Hungary – I had not seen him since I ran into him at an audition 20 years ago. I saw Rae Dawn (who will be a grandmother in 2 weeks!) last year at an autograph signing, but it was great to catch up with her. She was hiliarous on stage – who knew she was such a comedienne? An added bonus was the very funny MC and comedian, Alonzo Bodden, whom I adore on the NPR show Wait Wait Don’t Tell Me. I was jazzed to meet him!
I recently traveled with other DxE activists to document the conditions of the thousands of piglets held at a Farmer John factory farm, and to get medical help for those we could. The night was pitch black, foggy and cool as we walked up to the rows and rows of low slung, cement barracks in remote Corcoran, CA. Spotlights pierced through the fog, giving everything an eerie glow. We put on protective clothing, masks and booties so we did not bring any unnecessary germs into the buildings, and to protect ourselves from the filthy conditions. The following video gives you an idea of what we saw. I am grateful we were able to rescue several pigs and get them medical care. They now live in a sanctuary, safe, free and happy. Open rescue is a peaceful, non-violent way of helping animals and protesting the enslavement, torture and death of so billions of innocents each year. We do not cover our faces because we know we are doing the right thing. Join us.
I am excited to be talking once again on how break bad habits and make healthy new ones. Please join me as I discuss how you can get healthier by making a few simple changes in your life.
A lot of people ask me how I stay slender. I believe the formula is the same for all my slim friends: it takes work and time and awareness. The “Oh I eat whatever I want and don’t exercise” thing is baloney. Those folks out there whom you think look great? They have consistently good habits. Here is my latest coaching blog with some information on what is needed to lose weight: http://alexandracoaching.com/losing-weight/