I delighted in all the hummingbirds fluttering around my neighbor Marie Claude’s feeder, so a few months ago I bought one for outside our bedroom window. I dutifully bought the white sugar for the “nectar”, filled the feeder with the sugared water at a 4:1 ratio just like the Audubon Center recommends and then eagerly waited for the little ones to gather around, chirping happily. Hummingbirds are amazing. It was lovely to watch them and to hear the hum of their wings as they hovered around my feeder, which I had to refill every 2 weeks. I was thrilled with the wildlife outside our bedroom window. When I next saw Marie Claude, I told her she had inspired me to get a feeder of my own. She told me her hummingbirds drank so much from her 2 feeders that she had to refill them every day. I was amazed. And envious. Was I making the nectar incorrectly? I groused to Ian that Marie Claude was probably doping the hummingbirds with too much sugar and that was why they were going to her house and not mine. She was probably killing them, while I was assiduously making nectar in the proper … Continue reading
I have spoken quite often on human overpopulation and other environmental issues, at electric car rallies and peace gatherings, but yesterday was the first time I spoke as a health coach. My friend Bill Chadwick invited me to give a presentation at his real estate office in Malibu, Malibu Living. I spoke about how to break bad habits and make healthy, new ones. I am so interested how humans change and why we resist it even if our current situation is making us unhappy (just finished reading an excellent book, The Willpower Instinct by Dr Kelly MacGonigal. I highly recommend if you have some habits you want to change). I was very nervous about it but afterwards I felt very good about the talk and was touched that people came out to hear me. People were very interested in the topic, probably because we all have habits we want to break! Fireball Tim took some video (minute 4 – minute 8:40) and the Malibu Times did a nice piece beforehand.
As a certified wellness coach, I write regularly on health and fitness. You can find all my blogs and get my 7 Secrets to Getting Unstuck on my coaching site, periodically I will repost a blog here too. I start with this one about Habits, the foundation of my work: I help my clients replace unhealthy habits with healthy new ones to create the lifestyle they desire. I find Habits fascinating and the key to losing weight, gaining self confidence, feeling better and being happier. Habits!
Hi Friends, I am very proud to introduce you to my new wellness coaching business, Alexandra Coaching: www.alexandracoaching.com This past year, I expanded my horizons and earned my wellness coaching certification. I am really excited to personally help people reach their health & fitness goals. If you, or anyone you know, are struggling get healthy – to eat well, exercise regularly, keep weight off, stop emotional eating, lower cholesterol or blood pressure, quit smoking, sleep better, maintain energy or manage stress – I can help. As a health coach, I help you integrate healthy habits into your life, at your pace and within your parameters. No guilt, no judgment. This is not a crash diet or a boot camp – we work together to establish a lifestyle you can keep forever. When I tell people that I am a wellness coach, their first reaction is Well of course! And they are right – I feel like I have found my calling. Wellness coaching blends my dedication to health & fitness with my deep desire to be of service. I have been working with clients for the last 4 months, and I am inspired by the progress they have made: losing … Continue reading
Watch my latest Lifetime movie, The Bride He Bought Online, July 18 at 8pm. I play the detective trying to figure out who is after the Mean Girls. Watch the trailer here:
Giving blood is awesome, because you get snacks when you are done. Oh and you help people.
One of the times I was a guest on Bill Maher’s tv show Politically Incorrect and Oliver North sneeringly called me a tree hugger. I wish I had used one of my favorite lines Denzel Washington said in The Siege: “You are too stupid to know that’s a compliment”, but I was not that quick. Here’s to you, Oliver: