Just a note to say hooray to all of you who bike to work, have been vegan for years and who live in Tiny Houses. You are an inspiration to me and I aspire to live as lovingly towards the earth as you do. All of you who tread more lightly than I on this planet help me strive to be a better eco-citizen myself. A shout out to some environmental heroes in my own life: solar and EV pioneer Paul Scott, environmentalist extraordinaire Ed Begley, longtime animal defender Jonathan Paul (my brother) and activist/artist/ agitator Peter Kreitler (who was also my cohost on EarthTalk Today). And my mom, Sarah Paul, who is the reason I have such passion for the environment.
Here is an interview I did with Viva Glam magazine. We discuss arrests, makeup, my secondhand ipad and why I find Russell Brand irritating. Click on the image below to read the full interview.
I won best supporting actress in a comedy web series last night at the Indie Series Awards. It was for my work in Mentor, which you can see for free here. Many thanks to my director and great friend Jason Stuart, who asked me to join the show, and who, along with his co-writer Paul Elia, pushed me out of my comfort zone and allowed me to basically go berserk. I am such a b**ch in this show. We play versions of ourselves in Mentor, so Ian came in as my husband in one scene!
The Indie Series Awards are tomorrow in Hollywood, and I have been nominated for Best Supporting Actress in a Comedy for my work in the web series Mentor. You can watch for free here. Mentor was so fun to do because my great friend Jason Stuart wrote, directed and starred, and we play ourselves (except I am a lot meaner than in real life… I hope!). Add to the mix the very talented newcomer Paul Elia, and you have a party onscreen and off!
When I was a kid, my mom gave blood at the Red Cross regularly, and I was always entranced that you get free cookies, as many as you want afterwards. That probably gave me a positive association with being a donor of body parts – my hair has never grown long enough for me to cut it for cancer patients, but I am on the bone marrow donor list. I wanted to donate a kidney or part of my liver about 10 years ago, but Ian begged me not to and Caroline reminded me she might need one of those organs from me one day, so now I am just giving my body to UCLA when I am dead, so doctors-to-be can learn on me instead of innocent animals. Today I had an appointment to give blood, something that I do on a regular basis. I still rejoice over the mountains of cookie packets and mini-boxes of apple juice for all the blood donors, even though they no longer seduce me like when I was 8. I just like that they are there, a sweet thank you for our donated pint. It was especially fun this time because my friend … Continue reading
My friend Terry Ray and I did this silly, fun skit today. Find out if I am straight!
There is no one secret that can get us lickety split to our Best Self, but there are some handy tips that can help us reach our goals. People often ask me how to stay on an exercise program, and here are some little tricks that have helped me: 1) Working out in the morning means there is little (except sleepiness) to keep us from exercising. While filming, I usually get up hours before dawn to get on the stationary bike in my hotel room so I have my workout finished before my call time. I do not psyche myself out because of the early hour; I tell myself “Well, it’s 9 o’clock somewhere“, and I get it done. 2) If you are not a morning person and need to exercise after work, DO NOT GO HOME. Your refrigerator and then your couch will lure you in like the Odysseus’ sirens and you will never even get your sneakers on. Nope, bring your workout clothes with you to work=, then go straight from there to the gym. 3) Another time to exercise is during lunch. Enlist a coworker to go for a walk for at least 30 minutes or use … Continue reading